In the course of wandering around various foreign destinations you meet really nice people and some characters.
I have categorized those chance encounters as 1) folks you will probably never see again and have no contact 2) people who you hope to run into again because you still maintain contact.
Featured Photo: 3 students from Europe we met in Baracoa, Cuba in January 2016. Will, Hugh & I met at dinner on the rooftop restaurant at Casa Cesar. We decided the future is bright as long as kids like these are running it. In this case, I know their names: Ines Rogge, Timo & Ana. More often I have forgotten fellow travelers’ names.
Update: We crossed paths again in Madrid. Those 3 great students consuming tapas in October 2016 with Bone, Vai & Ines’ BF, Pierre.
Amin from Mumbai — at Leopolds Cafe “the crossroads of the world”
My Capetown guide, Paddy Le Roux — in front of the Cecil Rhodes Memorial
Jan (deceased) — traveled with her through Tamil Nadu, India — Rest in Peace my friend
Dan & Anna-Lise from Geneva — worked with Dan in Toronto & cross paths occasionally
Vai from Madrid — met on a boat in the Backwaters and traveled with her through Kerala and visited her in Madrid in October, 2016
Prashant & Shweta from Cyber City Gurgaon a suburb of Delhi, India
Check out this video of Wookie & Bongo <– Video of Greg’s 2 beautiful Labradors
Check out Greg and his place <– Video of Greg’s residence — the best Airbnb I have ever stayed at